- Proper job - find one. This means a job which I both like going to and can make enough money to keep the wolf from the door.
- Quit smoking - Hard. My idea is to not buy packs of cigarettes. This is ever more important now considering May has already quit and bébé numero deux is on the way.
- Work term with H&R Block - much less ambitious this year with the hours. I'm only putting down my availability for Tues & Thurs nights plus Saturday. The past semester had exhausted me already, and this coming one is already shaping up to be busy.
- Study French - I plan to continue with the classes I started last year, but I'd like to devote more homework time as well. It's difficult, however, and, well, the reason being, even while I try to type up this blog entry, my son keeps pulling me away to play with him, which I do, only leaving when he starts wrecking things. Studying at home was difficult at the best of times, but I hope to create a home environment conducive to self-study and completing homework, etc.
- Continue reading to Adam - this is scaled back as well. We had a hiatus for the Christmas break and usually when I'm doing the work term with H&R, I find myself too exhausted to make the time. That being said, however, we're currently reading Winston Churchhill's History of the English Speaking Peoples which is a lot lighter than Will Durant's Story of Civilization.
- Books - yeah, continue with this.
- Try to get to church at least once a month. - You can probably tell that this resolution is a scaled back version as well. Sometimes one just needs the solace of one's faith, however weak it is.
- Prepare mentally for August. ... Much easier said then done. I imagine things will just happen.
- Write more. Yes, this is a problem, because I have really nothing I want to say. On one hand, I have a tendency towards the morose and on the other hand, I don't want people getting all pissy by some of the stuff that tends to be created in the recesses of my mind. My lens on the world is a bit clouded, so my perspective isn't always the most positive and how ever hard I try to disguise it, these attitudes tend to crop up in my language. That and a real urgent sense of hesitation in every sentence I utter. My writing skills have languished due to disuse and I'd really like to counteract that.
- See what can be done about other languages. After a miserable failure in 2012 with a Japanese translation exam, I feel compelled to improve myself in this domain. While translation is probably not my destiny, I would still like to keep what I had learned in the past up to some useful standard. The summer of 2012 because I was in an environment, for a short while, where I had to make use of five different languages - English, as usual, French, for classes I was attending, Mandarin Chinese and Shanghainese, since my inlaws were around and for a short time Charles Nearing visited with his Japanese wife. It was epic and I felt a strange sense of happiness to feel I had some sort of value, especially during a period of unemployment. Therefore, yeah, not a hard-edged resolution here, but I'd like to see what can be done.
- Write some goddamned cover letters - as previously stated, I despise cover letters. When I write, I like to try to produce something of quality (nevermind my rambling blogs) so writing cover letters, 99% of which are already ear-marked for the abyss, really grinds my gears in a bad way.
- Hmmm. This last one I'd prefer to keep confidential, but it has something to do with joy.
Here's to the best 2013 you'll ever have!